

of the Second International Film Festival of Debut Films

of the Eurasian Continent "One Sixth"

1. General provisions

1.1. This regulation defines the mission, purpose, tasks, procedure, terms and conditions for organizing and holding the Second International Film Festival of debut films "One Sixth" (hereinafter - the festival, IFF "One Sixth").
1.2. Date and venue of the IFF "One Sixth": from August 2 to August 7, 2024, Yekaterinburg.
1.3. The general concept of the IFF "One sixth":
Every new young generation of directors responds to events that are important to them - those that are happening and those that are about to happen. New generation, new time, new cinema. The festival will become a meeting place for young debutants - representatives of two powerful cultures of Europe and Asia. This is not a rivalry, but a dialogue. The festival will include feature and non-fiction films, as well as a large-scale business and educational program. The focus on openings is not accidental. Young filmmakers are most predisposed to it. The reason for the appearance of the debut review is the opening of the macro-region for filmmakers who have shot only their first film, which means they will shoot the second one. And our task is to make the region attractive for the implementation of their second, third and subsequent plans.
1.4. Festival objectives:
1) Providing young debutant filmmakers with an international platform to express their ideas and exchange experiences.
2) Contributing to the development of Russian youth cinema and the formation of a new unique film language.
3) Inclusion of the professional international film community and creative youth in the public dialogue.
4) Creation of an event that in the future will set the vector for the development of the cultural agenda of the region and will become the hallmark of the city.
5) Promoting the development of film production technologies in the Sverdlovsk Region and the Ural Federal District, contributing to the development of Sverdlovsk Film Studio JSC.
6) Formation of a professional environment and creative atmosphere conducive to the search and development of new methods, creative solutions and technologies aimed at the effective disclosure of the creative potential of the festival participants.
1.5. The organizer and sole copyright holder of the idea and concept of the festival "One Sixth" is the Joint-Stock Company "Sverdlovsk Film Studio".
1.6. For the purposes of preparing and holding the festival, with the participation of the Festival Organizer, the Organizing Committee of the Festival is created.

2. Jury of the IFF "One-sixth"

2.1. Competitive programs of the One-Sixth IFF: are evaluated by the Jury of the feature and non-fiction competition, representing different professional areas (directing, acting, producing) and consisting of Russian and foreign filmmakers.
2.2. The jury of the feature competition includes at least 3 jury members.
2.3. The jury of a non-fiction competition includes at least 3 jury members.
2.4. The invitation to take part in the jury is sent by the Organizing Committee of the IFF “One-sixth”.
The final list of the jury members should be formed by 15.07.24.
2.5. The list of jury members is formed by voting of the Organizing Committee of the IFF "One-sixth" consisting of:
- General Director of JSC "Sverdlovsk Film Studio"
- President of the IFF "One-sixth"
- director of the IFF "One sixth"
- Program Director of the IFF "One Sixth"
- Executive Director of the IFF "One Sixth".

3. Prizes of the IFF "One sixth"

3.1. the IFF "One Sixth" awards 9 awards:

1. “Grand Prix” of the feature competition - the prize is awarded by the general professional jury of the feature competition;
2. “Grand Prix” of non-fiction competition - the prize is awarded by the general professional jury of the non-fiction competition;
3. “Best national feature debut” - the prize is awarded by the general professional jury of the feature competition;
4. “Best national non-fiction debut” - the prize is awarded by the general professional jury of the non-fiction competition;
5. “The best foreign feature debut” - the prize is awarded by the general professional jury of the feature competition;
6. “Best foreign non-fiction debut” - the prize is awarded by the general professional jury of the non-fiction competition;
7. “Best acting ensemble” - the prize is awarded by the Guild of Casting Directors of Russia represented by an authorized representative;
8. “The best debut at the festival” - the prize is awarded by the Organizing Committee of the IFF “One-sixth”;
9. “Audience Award” of the competition program - the winner is determined by the audience vote.

4. Festival program

4.1. Program structure. Competitive program.

4.1.1. Feature debut competition: at least 6 feature films, these are full-length debut films, the authors of which are debutants from Russia and the countries of the Eurasian continent. Movie release year: 2022 – 2024. Applications are accepted from debutants of the Eurasian continent at the age of 18 years at the time of application.
4.1.2. A debutant is a cinematographer who, at the time of application, has directed no more than two full-length films (including the film that is being submitted), excluding student works, in the Feature Film category, with a running time of at least 60 minutes.
4.2.1 Non-Fiction Debut Competition: at least 6 feature films, these are full-length debut films, the authors of which are debutants from Russia and the countries of the Eurasian continent. Movie release year: 2022 – 2024. Applications are accepted from debutants of the Eurasian continent at the age of 18 years at the time of application.
4.2.2. A debutant is a cinematographer who, at the time of application, has directed no more than two documentaries (including the film that is submitted for participation in the festival), excluding student works, in the Documentary category, with a running time of at least 45 minutes.

5. Conditions for selecting films for participation

5.1. The decision on the participation of a film in the festival is made by the Organizer of the festival on the proposal of the Program Director, the Selection Committee and the Organizing Committee of the festival. The selection committee is formed by the Program Director.
5.2. Russian and foreign fiction and non-fiction films that correspond to the program concept of the festival are invited to participate in the Festival.
5.3. Films containing information, the distribution of which is prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, or containing obscene language, as well as films for which rental certificates were refused, and films for which rental certificates were revoked according to the approved decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 27.02.2016 No. 143, "On approval of the Rules for issuing, refusing to issue and revoking a film rental certificate and the Rules for Maintaining the State Register of Films" are not allowed to participate in the IFF "One sixth".

6. Festival funding

6.1. Expenses related to the organization and holding of the IFF "One sixth" are covered by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the regional budget and borrowed funds.

7. Acceptance of applications for participation

7.1. Those who wish to submit a film for participation in the IFF "One Sixth" must send an official application about this to the Selection Committee of the IFF "One Sixth". The application must contain information about the copyright holders of the film, information about the authors of the film. The selection of films for participation in the IFF "One Sixth" is carried out by the Selection Committee.
7.2. Films are accepted for consideration by the Selection Committee of the IFF "One Sixth" by providing links to viewing copies. The deadline for accepting applications for participation is June 30, 2024.
7.3. Official notifications of the decision of the IFF "One Sixth" Selection Committee for each of the films submitted for consideration will be sent out no later than the date of the official press conference of the IFF "One Sixth" Selection Committee.
7.4. The program of film screenings at the IFF "One Sixth" is determined by the Selection Committee. Each film can be screened no more than three times during the festival, including screenings for the press.

8. Requirements for films applying for participation in the competition program of the Festival and for the composition of the application for participation

8.1. Only full-length films completed by production no earlier than November 01, 2022 participate in the competition programs of the IFF "One Sixth".
8.2. In the competition programs of the IFF "One Sixth", preference is given to Russian and international premieres.
8.3. Copies of films participating in the IFF "One Sixth" programs must be handed over to the Selection Committee no later than July 15, 2024.
Films in the original language in DCP format with English subtitles are accepted for demonstration. If a film of national production is shot not only in Russian, then subtitles in Russian must be superimposed on the moments of foreign speech.
8.4. Simultaneously with the application for participation, the following documents must be sent to the Selection Committee:
• signed and stamped application form;
• materials for the catalog (abstract in Russian and English, biography and filmography of the director in Russian and English, photograph of the director, stills from the film, the main characters of the film).
• a trailer or a cut of a movie using a link to any file sharing service;
• movie posters (by link to any file sharing site);
• materials for the Festival website (press release, footage from the film). The form drawn up on the basis of the Regulations is mandatory.
• Licensing permission of the copyright holder for the participation of the film in the competition program of the Festival.

9. Transportation and insurance of film copies

9.1. The organizer of the Festival bears the cost of transporting the competition films to Yekaterinburg and back (the sender's AIRPORT - Yekaterinburg - the recipient's AIRPORT).

10. Ensuring the reception of guests and participants of the IFF "One Sixth"

10.1. The Organizing Committee of the Festival bears the costs associated with paying for travel to the venue of the Festival and hotel accommodation for no more than 3 (three) days, including the day of arrival and departure for one representative of the competition film. The organizing committee reserves the right to invite guests and participants, regardless of their direct participation in the creation of films participating in various festival programs. The conditions of their stay at the Festival are stipulated in their personal invitations.
10.2. The Organizing Committee of the Festival has the right to invite guests to participate in the Festival - prominent figures of culture, cinema and pop music, the media, as well as representatives of the business and scientific elite without limitation on the length of stay, within the dates of preparation and holding of the Festival.
10.3. The organizing committee has the right to pay for travel to the festival venue and back to one representative of the competition film.
10.4. The organizing committee covers the cost of food for the duration of the stay at the festival events for one representative of the competition film.

11. Non-competitive program of the festival

11.1 The non-competitive program of the festival includes screenings of feature films that are not participating in the competition program. In order to achieve the goals and objectives of the festival in the preparation of the non-competitive program, the organizing committee has the right to invite specialists to organize the program of screenings (special film screenings) and the business program of the festival.